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Fall 2023 Poll

SOS Oakland Website Graphics

A September 14-18, 2023, survey of likely voters revealed that Public Safety dominates Oakland voters’ concerns.  Eighty three percent (83%) of the respondents ranked Public Safety and Crime as their number one issue and ninety two percent (92%) want their leaders to focus on reducing crime.
Seventy four percent (74%) of Oakland voters say things in Oakland are going in the wrong direction. Similarly, seventy four percent (74%) believe the quality of life in Oakland has gotten worse.  
Oakland voters want to see more jobs and job training in addition to more cops and a greater focus on public safety. Sixty nine percent (69%) think it is Critical/Very important to create blue collar jobs in industrial and logistic sectors.  Sixty percent (60%) say it is Critical/Very important to create jobs that do not require college degrees.  Only thirty seven percent (37%) feel that creating jobs in tech are Critical/Very important.

About the Poll

The survey was commissioned by The McConnell Group.  It was conducted by RG Strategies which is affiliated with Binder Research, one of the most highly regarded research companies in the country.  It was comprised on 400 likely voters, randomly selected.  Sixty five percent of the respondents identified themselves as progressives (35%) or liberals (30%). Twenty one percent (21%) identified as moderates and only 7% called themselves conservatives.

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