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Letter to Governor Newsom – Request for Continued Support in Combating Organized Crime in Oakland

September 9, 2024


Please see this letter to Governor Gavin Newsom, thanking him for his support and requesting continued assistance in fighting organized crime in Oakland.  SOS Oakland (SOS) drafted the letter, which was co-signed by Cynthia Adams, President of the NAACP Oakland Branch, Bishop Bob Jackson, Senior Pastor of Acts Full Gospel Church, and Greg McConnell, President of SOS Oakland.

SOS is working hard to elect a slate of moderate, common-sense City Council and City Attorney Change Agents. However, we recognize that when they take office, they will inherit the severe conditions created by irrational progressive policies. Even our group of great candidates will not be able to immediately bring the police force up to appropriate levels.

Recognizing this reality, SOS Oakland seeks state, county, and federal support to end Oakland’s crime crisis. Governor Newsom has been a friend, and now we need Alameda County leaders and the federal government to step in and help address the problem.

Oakland’s crime is not the product of random acts of opportunity; it is organized crime and requires a comprehensive, all-out effort from state, federal, county, and local crime fighters.

Donate today to help SOS Oakland support our SOS Slate:


City Council

At-Large         LeRonne Armstrong

D7                  Ken Houston

D5                  Noel Gallo

D3                  Warrant Logan

D1                  Zac Unger


City Attorney    

Judge Brenda Harbin-Forte


Paid for by SOS Oakland.  Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.  312 Clay Street Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607.  Total cost of this mailer is $0

Our Thoughts on the State of Things in Oakland

June 25, 2024


These are dark days in the city we love, but as the old saying goes, it’s always darkest just before the dawn. Oakland will see better days, starting on November 5, when the voters elect new leadership.

We understand residents are very concerned about the FBI raid on Mayor Sheng Thao’s home. We do not know what allegations, if any, the Mayor will face, or whether she is innocent or guilty. We will not rush to judgement because we appreciate that in America people are innocent until proven guilty.

Nevertheless, we do know that the Mayor will be distracted with her personal problems at a time when the city needs strong leadership to solve the pressing dual crisis of public safety and the ballooning budget deficit. Just last week, 15 people were shot after an outdoor party celebrating Juneteenth. The crushing budget deficit will result in slashed city services that residents rely upon and will cut or freeze police and fire positions. This could bring disastrous consequences to communities suffering from violent crimes and reduce fire safety in the hills and throughout the city.

City Council actions are also affected by the raid. The Council has canceled important meetings in the month of June that are crucial to vetting the inevitable cuts in the budget and tax increase proposals in ballot measures proposed for the November 5, ballot.

We have also learned that City Council President, Nikki Bas, is planning to step down as City Council President, and District Six City Councilmember Kevin Jenkins will assume the position.  Should the Mayor either resign or be recalled, Councilmember Jenkins would become the Interim Mayor of Oakland, until a new Mayor of Oakland is elected in a special election.

All of these issues will affect life in the city and times will be tough for a while. But don’t despair. This is absolutely not the time to give up. Oakland’s dawn will be on November 5, when voters of Oakland and SOS Oakland elect new leadership that will turn Oakland around.  


Sometimes we have to hit bottom before we can recover. This is one of those times. But we won’t be mired in muck for long. We truly believe the stars are aligned for Oakland to rise and emerge a better and stronger city.


Next year all of this will be behind us, and we will see that Oakland resilience is real and alive.  Bet on it!

SOS Oakland President, Greg McConnell speaks to the congregation at Acts Full Gospel Church  in Oakland, CA on Sunday, March 10, 2024.

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