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​We are pleased to announce the formation of SOS Oakland,  which is committed to restoring Oakland to the peaceful and prosperous city we love. This year SOS Oakland is focused on the November 5, 2024, general election. Our goal is to help elect a City Council that will develop and implement common sense policies and programs to solve Oakland’s public safety problems and reverse the city’s decline.

Oakland Around

SOS Oakland

The Latest

SOS Oakland’s Candidate Recommendations

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City Council

At Large:

Le Ronne Armstrong, Former Police Chief, City of Oakland


District One:

Zac Unger, Oakland Firefighter, Paramedic, and Union Representative


District Three:

Warren Logan, Former Transportation Consultant


District Five:

Noel Gallo, Oakland City Councilmember


District Seven*:

Ken Houston, Beautification Council (Son of Oakland)

Iris Merriouns, Chief of Staff, Oakland City Council District 4

*SOS Oakland supports a ranked choice vote on Ken Houston and Iris Merriouns.  Whichever candidate you pick as your number one, make the other your second choice.

City Attorney

Honorable Brenda Harbin-Forte, Retired Judge, Alameda County Superior Court 

Paid for by SOS Oakland.  Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

312 Clay Street Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607.  Total cost of this mailer is $0

Oakland Today

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Exploding Crime

Pervasive crime is killing our city. Residents are held hostage. They are scared to work, dine, and shop in the city they call home.

In 2023 crime increased by double digits: Robberies up 38%, Carjacking up 22%, Auto Theft up 45%, Burglaries up 23%.  Oakland can do better.

Business Exodus

Crime has forced popular businesses to close in record numbers. Many of those that remain are barely holding on. In exit interviews, business owners reported that customers were not patronizing their businesses because they were afraid of becoming victims of crime.  Oakland can do better.

Slashing Services

Reduced tax revenues have impacted the city’s ability to curb crime and provide city services. Oakland has a $360 million deficit, which is projected to increase to $758 million over the next 5 years. All city departments have been directed to cut their budgets by 15%. Such significant reductions will further erode the city’s ability to address public safety and provide critical services.  Oakland can do better.

Turning Oakland Around

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New Leadership

On November 5, 2024, five (5) City Council seats (Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, and At Large) are up for election. Oakland voters have the power to elect Councilmembers who will make the city safe for all residents and encourage businesses to end their exodus from the city.
Whether voters consider themselves progressive, moderate, or conservative, the vast majority agree that public safety is Oakland’s most important issue. In 2024, we will only support common sense candidates who dedicate themselves to putting the needs of Oakland ahead of partisan political rhetoric.

Oakland City Hall

We Need Your Support

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If we continue to elect the same kind of leaders, nothing will change.  To put Oakland on the right track, we must elect common sense leaders who are committed to developing and implementing solutions that work. With your financial support and partnership, we will make Oakland the safe and prosperous city we all want.
No contribution is too big, or too small.  We only ask that you give what you can.  We accept contributions from individuals ranging from $10 to $2,500, or any amount in between.  Because there are no limits on contributions to SOS Oakland PAC, major donors can contribute $10,000, $20,000 or more.  Donors can make a one-time contribution or pay in installments.
Let’s  make the 2024 election a new beginning for Oakland.

A Deeper Look

A Deeper Look

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Oakland's Voters are Angry

Nearly all Oakland voters are personally concerned about crime. This includes voters with political ideologies that range from progressive to conservative, Whites, Blacks, Asians and Latinos, voters of all ages, genders, and voters from council districts throughout the city.  Source: Fall 2023 Poll.


10 Point Plan for a Safer Oakland

California Constitution Article I, Section 1: "All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy."  View our Ten Point Plan here.


Elect a New City Council Majority

On November 5, 2024, five (5) City Council seats (Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, and At Large) are up for election.  This is our chance to get Oakland back on track.  If you are not registered to vote, you can do so here, California Voter Registration


SOS Oakland Political Action Committee 

SOS Oakland was created in response to the out cry of frustrated residents and businesses who are witnessing Oakland die a slow and painful death. We are committed to turning that around. 

SOS Oakland is led by Greg McConnell, former CEO of the Jobs and Housing Coalition and President of The McConnell Group.  Rohr Communications coordinates media and public affairs.  Glō Branding (Kim Riberdy) handles strategic social networking.  Our Advisory Panel consists of resident, business, and non-profit leaders from all segments of Oakland’s diverse community.

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Rules on Contributions

  • Contributions to SOS Oakland are not tax deductible.

  • Election law requires us to publicly report cumulative contributions of $100 or more.

  • We may not deposit your contribution without your name, street address, occupation, and employer information from individual contributors and may not accept contributions of $100 or more made by cashier’s checks, money orders, or cash.

  • In making a contribution, the contributor must affirm that they are a United States citizen or a permanent resident.

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Stay Informed

Help Save Oakland


Message Form


312 Clay Street, Suite 300

Oakland, CA 94607

(510) 200-8674

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Please feel free to contact us at the email address below or submit a message using the Message Form.

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